Good morning everyone today I am popping on to post some quick last minute
Mothers Day Menu Ideas. Make mothers day special and plan a nice brunch or grill out for her. I know mom would appreciate the day off from cooking. So here a few yummy ideas that you can choose from. Whether you are grilling out planning a meal inside there is something for everyone .

Don't forget to make her a knock her socks off dessert because if she is anything like me dessert is the best part of the whole meal. I want to wish all the moms, step mothers, Nana's, grandmothers and that special mother figure in your life a Happy Mothers Day!!! May your day be filled with family, friends, fun, and fabulous food!!! I am not sure if I will be posting a potluck Sunday post tomorrow or not. I have a lot going on and promised to stay off the computer, so if you don't see a post that's why. My regular Potluck Sunday post will resume next week. I know everyone will understand.
Here are the links for some great menu idea's
(click on each link to for a full view of each recipe)
Short cut Coconut Cake, Tres Leches Cake, Strawberry Soda Pop Cake, Strawberry Shortcut Cake, Hummingbird Cake, Fruit Salad, BLT Salad, Quick Crab Salad, Red Velvet Cupcakes, Soft Dinner Rolls, No Bake Strawberry Cheesecake, Blueberry Scones, Gorilla Bread, Weekend Company Breakfast Casserole
and More Wonderful Brunch Dishes.
For some grilling and meat ideas how about:
Beer in the Rear Chicken, Honey Lime Grilled Chicken, Grilled Steak with Ginger Plum Sauce, Grilled Veggie Packets, Indoor Ribs, Low Country Smothered Pork Chops, Cheesy Hashbrown Casserole w/Ham.
Some appetizers to start your meal:
Texas Caviar , Fresh Strawberry Salsa or Sausage Stars.

I also wanted to post a garden update.... everything has sprouted up and is really starting to come along and take form. Here is a quick peek at what we have going on. I cant wait to start enjoying all those goodies we have grown. I was so excited to see green tomatoes oh how I love them. I was tempted to pick them and make a batch of
Fried Green Tomatoes. It was so hard but I left them alone. There will be plenty of time for that later.

The green beans and zucchini are doing beautifully.

An apple!!! we were real worried about our apple tree. It was getting to big for the planter that we started it out in. So last year we replanted the apple tree in the front yard. With all the snow and ice we received we were not sure if the tree would survive. Slowly but surly greenery then little white flowers appeared. Now a few apples I know it might be a while before we can enjoy them but this is a great site to see.

The Tomatillos are flowering and the potatoes are sprouting like crazy. This is our first year for potatoes. Fingers crossed they keep doing good and grow.

We have strawberries!!! I a so happy to see them, i got kind of worried about them from the snow storm but everything managed to survive since we protected everything.

I even got started a bit in the front yard on planting some Zinia's. I love Zinia's in all sorts of colors especially how they attract butterflies. Now if i could just keep the neighbor hood cats away from them. They seem to love rubbing up on all my flowers. I thnk i tried moth balls last year but that didn't work, so if anyone has any ideas to keep the cats out of the flower beds please let me in on the secret. We dont mind them visiting i just dont want them laying in the flower bed playing with the flowers.

I am hoping to get some more flowers planted in the back yard and finish up the front. Slowly but surely I will get it done. We did find a great deal on some Jasmine plants so we planted two last weekend and they smells so fragrant. Lets hope Freeway our chocolate lab leaves them bee. We have them in our fenced off area, but he is really good at nosing around and using his paws to get them through the fence.
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Tina, The Mom in Mommy's Kitchen
Put 3 quarts of apples, sliced thin and peeled, in a crock pot and cook overnight on high. Next morning, add 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 3 cups sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cloves. Cook all day on low. Tastes like old-fashioned apple butter that is cooked in copper kettle.
You can use applesauce if you do not have time to prepare the apples. I used a potatoe smasher towards the end and mashed my apples. The crock pot makes it possible for apples to cook a long time without being stirred.
I personally don't care for applebutter and this is awesome. We put them in small jars, with decorative lids, last year and gave them as Christmas gifts. Great Reviews!