Mini White Bean Banana Nut Bread {The Versatility of Beans}

I don't know about you, but I love the versatility of canned beans. Really beans in general because I use both dry and canned beans. It really just depends on what I'm making. With today's recipe I am going to show you just how versatile beans can be. Lately I have been really good about sneaking beans and veggies into my kiddos diets. 

The best part is they don't even know I am doing it. My daughter is getting so much better at eating vegetables and beans. Mackenzie gets so excited when she comes home from school and tells me all about a new food she has tried and how she has decided that she now likes it.

Her big thing right now is green beans. I serve green beans at our house but she wont touch them. But for some reason she tried them at school and ever since then she gobbles them up. I am so glad that Mackenzie is finally trying different foods and giving them a chance. I think it all comes with age. 

My little guy Mr. Picky Pants Carson hasn't crossed that bridge quite yet. You see Carson he is a whole different story he thinks he can survive on hot dogs, Pb & j sandwiches, grilled cheese and chicken tenders. Carson is my hardest one at trying new things.

With Carson I have to disguise everything to get him to eat it. Its all about quick breads and muffins with him. If I can bake it in a muffin or a bread then I have him hook, line and sinker. I did not realize you could bake with beans. Did you know you could add pureed beans to breads? Well I didn't know that. 

I do know that ever since I made the Black Bean Brownies with great success it really got me excited about branching out and baking more with the addition of beans. While searching around I found a recipe for White Bean Banana Bread. I wasn't sure how the whole thing would go over but I was willing to give it a try.

I followed the recipe and baked up some mini banana bread loaves. Mini bread loaves are my favorite because I can keep a few out and freeze a couple. Pulling them out of the freezer as I need them. When I was mixing the batter together I was surprised that I couldn't even taste the white beans that were added. This really got me excited. 

When they were baked up and cooled I finally got my first taste. The banana bread was really good and I couldn't even detect the added beans. I thought the bread would be really dense but it wasn't. The banana bread was even better the next day because, you know how it goes with quick breads. They always seem to taste better when they sit a day or so.

The true test came when my little guy came home from school and was looking for a snack. He spotted the bread on the counter, is that nanna's bread? I said yeah do you want a piece? Mom I love banana bread. I told Carson I know you do that's why I made it. I sliced him off a piece and sat and watched Carson gobble it down. Another mission accomplished!!!! My next project is to add some white beans to a cookie bar recipe. Now onto the banana bread recipe.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sift together the dry ingredients - all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Cream shortening and sugar together. .

Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

drain and puree the white beans. (see note on how to puree beans at the end of this post). This recipe calls for one cup pureed beans. Store the remaining pureed beans in a zip lock freezer bag and store in the freezer.

add the vanilla extract to the creamed mixture and blend really well.

Add flour mixture alternating with bananas and beans, beating well after each addition.

Stir in nuts.

Pour into a greased mini loaf pans. I added a few extra pecans on top. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean and the bread is golden brown.

Let the loaves cool in pans for 5 minutes

then remove and transfer to a baking rack and cool completely.

White Bean Banana Nut Bread

1 3/4 - cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 - teaspoons baking powder
1/4 - teaspoon baking soda
1/2 - teaspoon salt
1/3 - cup shortening
2/3 - cup granulated sugar
2 - eggs, well-beaten
1 - cup mashed, ripe bananas, peeled
1 - teaspoon vanilla extract
1 - cup bush's canned white beans, pureed (cannelleni or great northern)

1/2 - cup chopped pecans or walnuts, optional

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sift together dry ingredients - all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Cream shortening and sugar together.

Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition add vanilla extract and blend well. Add flour mixture alternating with bananas and beans, beating well after each addition. Stir in nuts.

Pour into a greased mini loaf pans. I added a few extra pecans on top. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean and the bread is golden brown. 

Let cool in pans for 5 minutes then remove to a baking rack to cool completely. If using a single loaf pan bake for about 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Recipe yields 4 small mini loafs or one large loaf (about 16 slices)

Cook's Note: To puree the beans add them to a blender with a tablespoon or two of water. Blend until smooth. I use my blade attachment to my hand mixer to puree my beans. Store unused beans in a zip lock freezer bag and store in the freezer. If using self rising flour omit the baking soda, salt and baking powder. Self rising flour already has those ingredients added.

Recipe adapted from: The Grand Rapids Press

Disclosure: I’m excited that I’ve entered into a paid, formal partnership with Bush’s Beans and the post above represents part of that agreement.


This has inspired me...I'm going to have to start adding beans to my baked goods! I also saw somewhere where someone added avocado to their bread (gave it fiber, smoothness, etc.) instead of some of the oil.
Anonymous said…
I've made bean pie, but never thought of adding beans to a banana bread recipe. This is great and healthy. I'll definitely give it a try. Thanks! Stephanie
That's pretty cool Tina. Have you seen the cookbooks that use pureed veggies? One of them is Sneaky Chef and the other one is Deceptively Delicious. Great ideas for getting veggies into kids.

Aren't kids funny with their tastes? I'll see my 29 year old son eat something now he would never touch when he was little, and not eat things now that he used to love when he was little! I have no idea anymore what he likes and dislikes!!
Thank you for stopping by. I am so glad to have found your blog. It is lovely!
I will be back!
eatingRD said…
Looks like a great agreement to me! Do you have the nutrition facts of that bread by chance? Looks great :)
Chrissy said…
Oh thank you so much for this recipe! I made the "great northern beans" from dried because my boyfriend is on a salt restricted diet, HOW WONDERFUL! I would love if you would post a recipe for bean pie...everything I have made from your site has been absolutely delicious! I am another one of us rare women who actually love to cook and bake and I am loving your site...keep up the good work/postings!!
Blessings from California,
Tina Butler said…
Chrissy, I actually have a bean pie that I have been tweaking a bit. I made it plain but I think adding a crumb topping would be so much better. My little guy ate it and thought it was pumpkin pie. Thank you for your nice comments.
Unknown said…
Yum-o, just made this today and my little one gobbled it right up! Thanks for the recipe!
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