Summertime Strawberry Pie

This is my family's absolute favorite Strawberry Pie! Fresh strawberries piled high in a flaky crust and topped with a homemade strawberry glaze, and fresh cream. 
Hi everyone! Today I'm posting a recipe for my favorite Strawberry Pie! I know not another pie recipe!!! Sorry, but I can't help myself, I've been bitten by the pie baking bug! Trust me you won't be disappointed with this pie. I mean how can you go wrong with a good strawberry pie. 

I get so excited when those little red beauties start popping up at the grocery stores and road side stands. Strawberry pie is one of my favorite of summer desserts! I've been wanting to post a homemade strawberry pie recipe for quite sometime, but have yet to bake the perfect one.   

Most of the recipes have been quite the challenge and haven't turned out. Either the filling turns out too runny, and doesn't set up, or it comes out to firm and ends up more like jello. I like my Strawberry pie filling to be like a thick glaze instead of like jello.

You can purchase pre-made strawberry glaze in the produce section of the grocery store, but I prefer homemade for pie. My mom always used the ones from the store and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact they're great especially if you're in a pinch for time. 

Well, I'm happy to announce that after trying out several recipes I  think I've finally created the perfect one. I found a recipe in an southern cookbook and tweaked it a bit to my liking. The filling turned out just how I wanted and the pie set up perfectly.

This pie is the perfect addition to any BBQ, get together, or summer holiday. I know once everyone sets eyes on this purdy pie they'll be happy you brought it. Heck why not double the recipe and make two pies, one to share, and one to keep for you're yourself. I promise wont tell. 

I found these fresh red beauties on sale at Walmart for $1.38 a pound, so I grabbed a couple containers. I cant wait for our strawberries in our garden to start coming in, because there is nothing better than home grown. OK so lets get started and I will show you how to make this this beautiful strawberry pie.

Start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees and pre-bake your pie crust. Bake until lightly golden brown. Place crust on a wire rack to cool completely. 

While your pie crust is cooling prepare the pie filling. In a medium size pot, combine the sugar, cornstarch, strawberry gelatin, lemon juice, strawberry extract, and water. 

Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to medium - low, and cook the mixture until it starts to thicken, whisking often. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool to room temperature. 

Here is a tip to cool down the strawberry glaze quickly. Most times when I make my glaze or any other boiled frosting, I never have the patience to sit and wait for it to cool. I'm a really impatient person so that's just me. Try this little trick to cool down the glaze quickly so you can pour it over your strawberries. 

Get a large bowl and fill it with ice and water to make a ice bath. Place the whole pot with the glaze into the ice bath. Using your whisk stir the glaze until it cools down and thickens a bit more. You want the glaze to be thick but still have a pourable consistency. 

When the crust is cool arrange the cut strawberries into the pie shell. 

Carefully pour the glaze over the strawberries making sure to coat all the strawberries completely. 

Refrigerate until set (about 2 -3 hours). 

Look at the yummy strawberry filling, so pretty and shiny.

After the pie has chilled, slice and serve. Don't forget the whipped cream. 



Anonymous said…
this looks really good, tina! i have been trying lots of strawberry recipes because they are so cheap and plentiful, i'll add this to my repertoire!
Oh my ... such yummy goodness! I make something very similar with a layer of sweetened cream cheese on the bottom. So good!

Hooray for summertime pies!
☺lani☺ said…
Wow, I love strawberries! Actually all kinds of berries. I like the way you presented this strawberry pie. Yum!
Stacia said…
This looks so tasty! It's going on my summer time dessert to do list!
That glaze recipe looks like a winner! Such a pretty pie -
Ashley Foster said…
This looks so delicious, in a really evil way!
Julie M. said…
Yum! this looks delicious. Oh how I love strawberry season. I would rather make my glaze homemade as well.
Avril said…
Oh how simply lovely this pie looks! I've been itching to make a strawberry pie myself...soon, soon!:-)
Heidi said…
This is almost exactly like my strawberry pie (except mine doesn't use strawberry extract). It is delish and very summery :)
It's looks delicious Tina! I love strawberry pie mmmmmmm - the perfect spring dessert.
polwig said…
That looks wonderful. Reminds me of the time I spent in france since that is how they make most of their "pies".
Sherri Murphy said…
Too beautiful to cut, but once I do, I think I would be licking the plate when no one is looking!
Sherry said…
yummo looks so good! strawberries are my favorite
Unknown said…
My husband loves strawberry pie, and yours looks perfect! Thanks for sharing.
Julie said…
This pie looks so luscious and it!
Colleen C said…
I have been hunting for a Strawberry Pie recipe. My future sister in law wants me to make a few for there rehearsal dinner. She wants a graham cracker crust though, do you think that would work?
You always seem to post things as I am looking for them, how funny! :)
Kelli said…
I am not much of a pie-maker, but this looks so good and simple, I might just give it a whirl!
Tina Butler said…
Colleen I have never made it with a graham cracker crust. I dont see why you couldn't everyone is different so give it a whirl. I know alot of folks that use graham cracker crusts for pies instead of traditional pie crust.
Aggie said…
I love that cooling down tip and used it when you first told me about it. Will have to try this one Tina! I love strawberry pie!
It was so neat to see this as one of the feature recipes on Tasty Kitchen! -
Hello Friend, I just wanted to say I love your recipes and the Strawberry Pie is heavenly. You are a pro!! All the very best,
Debra aka Reel Lady
Tina, I LOVE strawberry pie, and yours certainly looks quite delish! I also bake a strawberry pie similar to yours, but minus the lemon juice and strawberry extract, but I bet the extract adds a bit more flavor. Anyhoo, what a delicious looking pie!!
Anonymous said…
Tina! I cannot wait to make this pie. I plan on making it for a potluck dinner party I have coming up. How would you say this pie does if I made it the night before?? Do the strawberries start to get too soft? Thanks for you help! LOVE your blog :) Lindsay
Ravi said…
Looks delicious! I am going to give this a try!!
mammie said…
This looks GREAT and I too have been wanting to make one for my grand -daughter..Loves strawberries..Since u used gelatin and strawberry extract why couldnt you just use strawberry jello? Just wondering..Thanks for the recipe
Unknown said…
Does anyone know if I can make the strawberry mixture and refrigerate and use it as a topping on a wedding cake
LadyGwyn said…
Oh that looks so different. I always make a cooked strawberry filling. This reminds me of a larger version of a mini strawberry tart. Will make this when strawberries are affordable here in Canada :-)
Anonymous said…
I can't find strawberry extract so I am going to have to leave it out when I make it.
Tina Butler said…
The strawberry extract is optional so it will still come out just fine. :)
Unknown said…
Ummm, yumm! Love all the ingredients in this recipe. Throw some whipped cream on it and go to town lol This would be a great pie to bring to a summer BBQ. I think people would definitely love this. Thanks for sharing!
Unknown said…
Wow look at all the strawberry goodness! Delicious and yummy recipe! My son loves strawberries and it's definitely strawberry season right now so I need to go get my Costco size case of strawberries and get cooking!
Anonymous said…
The glaze makes this pie look amazing and photo-worthy. I am not great at baking pie crusts so I usually have to buy this portion of the dessert. And you cannot forget the whipped topping – it wouldn’t be complete without it!
LisaLisa said…
We love strawberry pie, and I would love to make this recipe for my girls movie night party!Thanks for sharing.
Unknown said…
What a great recipe. I have made a lot of pies but I have never made a strawberry pie. I am going to have to try this recipe. Looks perfect for spring.
Yum, yum and yum again! Strawberries are my favorite summer time fruit! I love eating them in everything and on everything and by themselves! This pie looks amazing! I can't wait to try it!
Unknown said…
We cannot get enough of strawberries, especially in the summertime when they're in season. I have never actually made a strawberry pie before...I might try this summer!
My family, especially my 11 year old son, cannot get enough strawberries! I love how readily available they are, because we go through them like crazy. I must admit that I have NEVER made a Strawberry Pie before! I'm almost embarassed to say that. Can't wait to try yours!
Unknown said…
Our neighbor friend would always make this for me for my birthday. It was super delicious. She has passed so I won't be getting my pie. She never did share the recipe, so I'm hoping when I make yours it is very close to hers. I miss her and that pie!
The first photo of that dish itself had me drooling!! I'm sure this tastes amazing! Would love to try it out. Thanks for sharing! :)
The first photo of that dish itself had me drooling!! I'm sure this tastes amazing! Would love to try it out. Thanks for sharing! :)
Unknown said…
I am a huge fan of strawberries. My kids go through them like crazy! Any new recipes are much appreciated and welcomed! We will try this one out for sure.
uncz1978 said…
My Mom used to make this. Still about a month from U-pick here. Our local grower has some of the best berries I have ever eaten.

I will have to make 4, one for my brother and sister in law, my niece's and one forme