How to Dehydrated Potatoes for Long-term Storage

Dehydrating potatoes is an easy way to preserve and extend the shelf life of fresh potatoes. 
If you need a long-term food storage option for fresh potatoes, dried potatoes is the way to go. Dehydrating potatoes is simple, inexpensive and an easy way to preserve an abundance of potatoes. I always have dried potato slices in my storage pantry because they're great for so many recipes, including soups, stews, casseroles and potato side dishes. 

We grow our own potatoes in our backyard garden, and we can only consume and store so many without running the risk of them going bad. When harvest time rolls around, I set aside any potatoes that have scabs, nicks or bruises and use those up first. The remainder of the potatoes are cured and stored in milk crates in a cool, dark room.  

I check on the potatoes periodically and any that look like they are softening, I put them aside and dehydrate them. Last year was my first year at dehydrated potato slices and I haven't looked back since. It's my new favorite way to preserve potatoes other than freezing! 

When you dehydrate potatoes you are reducing the moisture of the potatoes to a low level for improved shelf life. Dehydrated potatoes can last months or even years (if vacuum sealed) without spoiling, and they're easy to reconstitute and cook with.  

The most important step in drying potatoes is not to dehydrate raw potatoes. They must be par-boiled first. Partially cooking them before drying keeps the potatoes from turning brown or even black because of oxidation. You can peel the potatoes or leave the skins on. It's really up to you. I personally prefer to peel my potatoes first. 

How to Dehydrate Sliced Potatoes: 

  • Start by washing the potatoes well before cutting and peeling them. After you wash the potatoes drop them into a bowl of cold water as you peel the remainder of the potatoes. Keeping the potatoes in cold water will help remove some of the starch and keep them from browning. Dry the potatoes and set aside.  
  • Slice potatoes between 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch thick. I use my food processor with the slicing blade, but you can also use a Mandoline slicer. To ensure all the potatoes dehydrate at the same time make sure to slice them to the same thickness. 
  • Bring a large pot of water to a light boil. Add the sliced potatoes to the water and blanch for about 3 minutes then dunk the slices immediately into a bowl of ice water. Strain the potatoes and lay them out onto a clean dish towel and pat dry.  
  • Place the potato slices directly on the dehydrator trays in a single layer, leaving a little space between them. Dehydrate the potatoes at 140 degrees for 10-11 hours. 

  • Potatoes will be almost translucent when dry with a golden hue. They will also be hard and not pliable. Let the potato slices sit on the tray until they are completely cooled to room temperature. The potatoes must be cooled before storing.   
Add dried potatoes into a glass jar with a lid. Dehydrated potatoes will last about 4 months in a covered jar and up to 2+ years if vacuum sealed. I have a mason jar vacuum sealer so I store mine in a large mason jar. Store dried potatoes in a cool, dry, dark place to maintain their quality for an extended period of time.  

To re-hydrate your dried potatoes, place them in a bowl and cover with boiling water. You can also just add them as is to soups, stews or casseroles with a little extra liquid. My favorite use for dried sliced potatoes is in homemade au gratin or scalloped potatoes (recipe coming soon).  

I hope you give dehydrating potatoes a try. It's a lot simpler than you think. 


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