New and improved DIY Laundry Detergent with the addition of Laundry Booster Beads.
Several years back I shared a recipe for Homemade Laundry Detergent. I love making my own laundry soap, because it's so much cheaper than store bought. With just one large batch recipe I roughly have enough laundry soap to last an entire year (depending on how many loads of laundry I do a week) for around $20.
Since sharing the original recipe I've found an improved version that I like even better. The current laundry soap I've been using cleans really well, but it doesn't leave much of a scent. Having laundry that smells like fresh daisies is the one thing that I miss when using store bought detergent.
I was poking around on Pinterest awhile back and found an improved version that I love! The only difference in the two recipes is the addition of laundry booster beads which is genius!!! I don't know why I didn't think of that. I also switched soaps from using Fels Naptha bar soap to using the new Zote's Laundry Flakes.
By using the Zote flakes it eliminates grating any soap by hand which is a huge time saver, and it smells wonderful. Homemade laundry detergents are low sudsing, so you won’t see a whole lot of suds in the wash. No worries, this is normal and your clothes will still come out clean. You only need to use 1/4 cup laundry soap per load. Making you own laundry detergent is a personal preference and some people think it's a big hassle, but the $avings is huge in my book.

If you want to try your hand and make a batch of homemade laundry detergent you'll need: 20 Mule Team Borax, Arm & Hammer Washing Soda, Zote Laundry Flakes or 3 bars Zote Laundry Soap, and Purex Crystals or Downy Unstopables laundry booster beads, and one three pound box Oxy Clean (optional but good for work & sports uniforms). After getting all the ingredients together everything is really just dumped into a container and mixed. It's as easy as that.
I store my laundry detergent in a large jar with a scoop inside, but a plastic container works just as well. To use just measure out 1/4 cup of detergent for each load of laundry.
HE Front Loader Washing Machines: Dissolve 2 tablespoons of detergent to 1 cup hot water to make a liquid, then add to the machine.
If you're looking for a homemade and frugal fabric softener recipe you can give this DIY fabric softener a try. Click here to get the recipe.
I have been making and using homemade laundry soap for years now and won't go back to buying the other. I keep my old grater right inside the tub that I mix everything in so that way I don't have to go hunting for it when it comes time to make my next batch.
I use roughly right around 3 T. per load but it's just myself and my hubby so don't really have large loads cause I do laundry more than once a week.
Thanks Tina and hope you have a wonderful day
Thank you in advance for any/all comments.
Thank you! V