Zucchini Pickles - Perfect for Zucchini Overload

This recipe for Zucchini Pickles makes super simple, sweet and tangy pickles. This is the perfect recipe if your garden is in zucchini overload.  
Is your garden in zucchini overload? This is the time of year that you probably have more zucchini then you know what to do with. Well, today I want to share a recipe that will help you use up all that extra zucchini from your garden.

I don't know what happened with our garden this year, but it just didn't do as well as it has in the past. All I got was three little zucchinis and that was it. I sure miss the days of having more than I know what to do with. Usually we end up sharing with our neighbors because our garden produces so much.

Any zucchini that we used this year was either bought at the grocery store or the farmers market. A couple weeks back, I wanted to get a jump on some holiday gifts so I ended up purchasing some zucchini from our local farmers market. I wanted to make these Zucchini Pickles and share the recipe with you because they're the perfect gift especially around the holidays. These pickles are so delicious and super simple to make. Let's get started!

Start by cutting off the ends of the zucchini and slice. Thinly slice the onions and combine in a large glass bowl. Cover with ice water and stir in kosher or pickling salt. Let stand at room temperature for 2 hours (this part is a must and keeps the zucchini crisp). Prepare boiling water bath for canning. Sterilize jars and prepare lids and rings. After the 2 hours is up drain the zucchini - onion mixture and discard the liquid.
In a medium size saucepan combine vinegar, sugar, mustard seed and turmeric or pickling spice. I only used pickling spice because I was out of turmeric. I highly recommend the turmeric to make these pickles. Bring mixture to a boil.

Add zucchini and onions and simmer for 5 minutes. I did mine backwards and added the zucchini first and then all the ingredients. Don't ask me why but that is how it ended up.

Pack pickle mixture into hot jars leaving a 1/2 inch head space. Discard any excess liquid. Remove air bubbles from jars. Wipe the rims of the jars and then center the lids.

Screw on the rings until tight but not to tight. Process jars in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Remove jars to a kitchen cloth and let cool. Check lids as the cool to make sure they have sealed. Keep in a cool place for up to one year. Pickles are ready to eat and share after one week.

source: woman's day magazine


For a step by step tutorial on how to can using the hot water bath method click here.


Holly said…
I had no idea you could make pickles from zucchini! Who da thunk such a thing? I'm going to have to try this one, I've tried almost all of your recipes and love them all! Thanks!
tahtimbo said…
I'll have to remember this for next year. We didn't plant zucchini this year, but we really want to do it next year. Compared to last year, our garden didn't do as well as last year, either. The weather was just too strange.
Anonymous said…
this is so close to my grandma's sweet pickle recipe, using cucumbers. what a great idea to use zucchini!! i cant wait for next year's garden :)
Those look delicious! I love giving away jars of jam with mini loaves of homemade bread. We also enjoy making crock pot chocolate covered peanuts to give away - those are SO GOOD! - www.delightfulcountrycookin.com
Tina Butler said…
Do you have the crock pot chocolate covered peanut recipe at your blog? That does sound good.
DessertForTwo said…
I made zucchini pickles for the first time this year and they are so good! We got zucchini in early June and they were done by August. Sure wish I had more!
Debbie said…
You are in Texas, I am in Nevada, my friend is in Montana... we are all wondering what happened to our gardens. I love a good pickle recipe. Thanks.
Manuela said…
Love ur recipes they are so good!

i like to try new things in the kitchen

so im going to follow u by now

Jan Messali said…
This looks great. We always have an overload of zucchini in the garden.
Mary said…
T have made these with yellow crookneck squash (aka summer squash) and got rave reviews. When I need turmeric for pickles and don't have any, substitute a little yellow mustard - the ingredients are usually vinegar, water, mustard seed, and turmeric (and mustard seed is in pickling spice!)
Anonymous said…
Are these ready to eat right away or do they need to sit around for a week or two before eating them?
Tina Butler said…
I'm sorry I thought I added that part, but it looks like I didn't. I fixed the recipe so it would reflect. The pickles are ready to eat after one week.
weno74 said…
Ok, thanks! I was so hoping you were going to say after a day or two. Lol. I had to try one while I was packing them . :)
Anonymous said…
How many jars and of what size? I want to make sure I prepare the right amount of jars. Thank you.
Tina Butler said…
It states at the end of the recipe that it makes 5 half pint jars.