A Country Corn Cake with crispy edges and a touch of sweetness, baked in a cast iron skillet.

We usually don't eat sweet cornbread here in Texas. Well, let me correct myself we usually don't eat sweet cornbread in our house. I grew up on old fashioned un-sweetened southern cornbread baked in a cast iron skillet. Did you know the key to making good cornbread is what type of pan you bake it in?
You can use a regular baking pan, but it just isn't the same. By using a hot cast iron skillet the cornbread yields a crispy, crunchy crust just like southern cornbread should be. Now on the other hand having a sweet cornbread every once in a while isn't a crime. The problem with sweet cornbread is that I just haven't been able to find a recipe that I like.
Well, that is until now. I was on face book a couple weeks back and came across this Sweet Corncake recipe on the Country Sampler face book page. The photo alone was calling my name and I couldn't wait to try it. I had a pot of soup going on the stove so I thought this corn cake would be perfect.
The original recipe did not say to bake the corn cake in a cast iron skillet, so feel free to use any type of pan you have on hand. But if you want a nice crispy crust I highly recommend using a cast iron skillet.
Everyone loved the corn cake and the kids said it was sweet like a cake, but not overwhelming sweet. I did cut back on the sugar just a bit, but feel free to use the full amount if you want. This corn cake would be great served alongside any soup, stew or chili recipe. Don't forget to slather it with lots of butter.
Making cornbread in anything other than a cast iron skillet should be illegal :)
I enjoy reading all the comments whenever someone from the south posts a cornbread recipe. Like yourself some folks from the South enjoy sweet cornbread and others think it's a crime to put it in! Since I'm from the North (LOVE living in the South) I grew up with it being sweet. Imagine my surprise when I was invited over to a Southern cook's home for dinner and took my first bite of her sugar-free cornbread. And found out her recipe called for yeast. Talk about culture shock!! LOL I have never seen a recipe call for so much sugar, but then I have never seen a recipe for cornCAKE before. Thank you for educating me through your website and for the time and effort you are willing to put into it. Have been keeping up with it for over a year and am ashamed I have not expressed my appreciation before now. Keep those great recipes coming, and may I wish you continued success!
Thank you so much for all your kind words. I had to make a double take when I read the part about yeast in the cornbread. I have never had cornbread that way. I have had angel biscuits that require yeast, but cornbread is new to me. I hope you keep coming back to MK, I love hearing from my readers.