Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles

The kids and I have been trying our hand at making all sorts of different homemade Popsicles. all started when we made the Homemade Jell-O Pudding Pops a couple weeks back. They were super yummy and so easy to make, so of course they wanted more. My kiddos love yogurt so we searched around for a few recipes. 
There are a so many good ones out there and we will soon be trying all of them. We settled on a recipe for Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles that we saw at the Hillbilly Housewife.

I love that site, it has so many different low cost recipes made from scratch. There are also recipes for some of our favorite connivance foods. If you haven't checked it out you should really pop on over there and take a look. 
I made the yogurt pops the night before so they had plenty of time to freeze. If I make them the same day the kids want to eat them it usually doesn't work out.

My kids will be in and out of the freezer all day asking if they are done yet. So I thought that would be the easiest way. The Popsicles came out so nice and creamy and just look how pretty they are. I was lucky and snagged up some plain yogurt on clearance at Kroger.

 I got a big container for .75 it was due to expire in 6 days , but I was going to use it that day so it worked out perfect. These yogurt pops are pretty cheap to make and you can change up the flavors to your liking. If you want to add some pureed fruit you can do that as well.

 My kids loved them and are already asking me to make a another batch. This is the perfect treat to beat the hot summer heat.

These are the ingredients you will need:  
1 - 24 oz container plain yogurt = 3 cups, 1 small box gelatin (flavor of your choice), sugar, water, Popsicle molds or small cups and Popsicle sticks if using cups.

bring water to a boil

Add flavored gelatin and turn off heat. Mix with a whisk until the gelatin is dissolved. Add sugar and keep mixing until the sugar is dissolved. (If you want to omit the sugar you can, just use some fresh or frozen pureed fruit in place of the sugar)

Remove from the heat and add the plain yogurt one cup at a time.

Mixing between each addition of yogurt.

this is what it will look like. So pretty and pink in color.

Pour into Popsicle molds.

I did both molds and cups.

Place each cup into a baking dish for easier freezer storage. Place a Popsicle stick in each cup, place in freezer and freezer for 6 hours or overnight.

 It is easier to get the sticks to stand up if you let the yogurt pops freeze for about 30 minutes. Then insert the sticks, that way the yogurt has time to thicken up a bit.

Yummy, Creamy and Delicious.

Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles

1 - 3 oz package strawberry flavored jell-o
1 - cup water
1/4 - cup sugar
3 - cups plain yogurt
pureed strawberries
Popsicle molds, small cups & Popsicle sticks

In a medium sized pot heat bring water to a boil. Stir in the flavored gelatin. Stir until dissolved then add sugar. Keep stirring until all the gelatin and sugar is dissolved. 

This may take about 3-5 minutes. Add yogurt a cup at a time and using a wire whisk mix until smooth adding the additional 2 cups of plain yogurt.

 If using pureed fruit add it now and mix well. Pour into Popsicle mold or cups and freeze for a minimum of 6 hours or overnight.

I did both molds and cups. I put all the little cups in a 9x13 inch glass plan so it was easier to place in the freezer. 

You can add foil over the whole dish then poke holes to add the sticks into the cups. Or it is easier to get the sticks to stand up if you let the yogurt pops freeze for about 30 minutes.

 Then insert the sticks, that way the yogurt has time to freeze and thicken up a bit. continue to freeze for 6 hours or overnight.

You can experiment with different flavors of jello and fresh pureed fruit.

Cook's Note: If you're concerned about the sugar in the recipe and want a sugar free version. You can use sugar free jello and omit the sugar. You might have to switch to strawberry flavored yogurt instead of plain to make up for the sweetness.

You can also just use the plain yogurt, regular jello and pureed fresh strawberries. This recipe can be adapted for any flavor peach jello with fresh peaches would be great.


Heidi said…
Tina- Those look so good! What a pretty popsicle and very easy. I can't wait to try these out with my kids. I know they will love them. I love the Hillbilly Housewife. She has some great stuff on her site :)
Lisa said…
You've just opened up a whole new thing for me! I've been looking for a homemade yogurt maker to make yogurt at home. TFS!
Melody said…
Those look so creamy and good! My kids love gogurts straight from the freezer.
Susan said…
These ALL look wonderful! Paula has great recipes!

I still have the cookbook she autographed for me. ( I bought a another one just like it so I don't mess it up. LOL )

~ Susan
Bunny said…
Tina the kids and the big kid will love these!!!I have to go find some popsicle freezer molds!
Tina Butler said…
Bunny you can always use disposable paper cups. I think we liked those the best.
Stefanie said…
They look delicious! I've been making popsicles for my daughter this summer but I've just been using fruit juice. I'll have to give this a try!
Tina, another simple yet delicious recipe. I love these popsicles. Not ony are they yummy, but really good for you too.

Please come by my blog, I have an award for you. :)
We've got to make these with my girls before the summer is over. Thanks! I've go a little recipe swap I do over at my site. Hope you will stop by and share yours:
This looks easy too. I keep telling myself that I'm going to make the pudding popsicles but I haven't gotten around to it yet. My daughter would love these! Hopefully we'll get to it before summer is Hillbilly housewife is so awesome isn't she? :)
Those look too good! My four year old likes making juice pops and I'm sure he'd love these!
Sherri Murphy said…
These look amzingly delicious!
Tina...I left you an award in my latest post. Take a look :)
Krystal said…
Those look wonderful and refreshing! You are the Popsicle queen! :)
Order Meds said…
I am so making this. But I think I might add strawberry puree just to add a bit more fiber and fruit to the mix..
Tara Broman said…
I have an award for you on my blog. Be sure to go by and pick it up!
Live.Love.Eat said…
These are adorable. And tasty I am sure. Hope you have been doing well!!!!!
Suz said…
Wow thanks for that link to the dough rolling video. It's so simple yet I've never thought of it on my own!

Now I want to go make bread :O)
SnoWhite said…
yummy! The possibilities are endless :)
Unknown said…
I can't wait to try these out with my kids. Looks pretty and simple to. Definatly my kind of treat.
Anonymous said…
I just stumbled across your page. This recipe looks great. I'm in the middle of a heat wave and can't wait to try them out!
Anonymous said…
These look excellent and perfect for those hot summer days... or even moderately warm days closer to fall {like today}.
Love it, and your blog.
Laura @ A Healthy Jalapeño
Unknown said…
I just mixed some of these up and they looked so pretty and pink! My little boy followed me to the freezer saying yummy. He can't wait !
Sheila said…
Made these for the grandkids, they loved them. Can't wait to try a different flavor. We made them in Dixie Cups, and if you are a Weight Watcher it's 2 pts and I filled the cups about 2/3 full, less pts if you used sugar subsitute which I don't use and still lost 30 lbs.
Donna said…
How about strawberry yogurt instead of plain?
Unknown said…
Wonderful popsicles. Shall get my grandson to help make them as they seem to be a healthy treat.
Thank you for posting