Cast Iron Skillet Pizza

Cast iron pizza is the easy way to make pizza that yields a crispy bottom and chewy crust.
We love Pizza in our house and this cast iron skillet pizza is one of our favorites. By baking the pizza in a screaming hot iron skillet yields the crispiest crust an a chewy middle. You can keep the pizza simple with just pepperoni and cheese or slather on all you favorite toppings

I use my homemade no fail pizza crust, because it hasn't failed me yet. You can also use store bought pizza dough or even thawed frozen bread dough. It doesn't get easier than that my friend. If you want a homemade crust, I hope you'll give my no fail crust a try. I like to make up a few batches and freeze them so I have plenty on hand for family pizza night. 

If you like a lot of toppings on your pizza, I do recommend pre baking the pizza crust first for about 5-7 minutes. If you're just a pepperoni and cheese kind of guy then no prebaking is needed. 


Michelle said…
Looks so yummy! We love pizza!
Julie said…
Now I'm drooling! That looks so good :)
Heidi said…
What a fun recipe! I really need that cookbook, it sounds like a good one. I'm kind of a cookbook whore. Brad makes fun of me because we go to Lowes and I have to check out their cookbooks. I really need to break down and get me a cast iron skillet. I grew up listening to my mom talk about how nasty and dirty cast iron skillets are, so I have no experience with them.
Tina Butler said…
Heidi, this cookbook is the best cookbook. Pages and pages of recipes, not like some cookbook where there is just a few recipes I like. I do the same thing at Lowes that is so funny. I have a ton of cookbooks as well. I LOVE my cast iron skillet. as long as you take good care of it they are fine. I dont know what i would do without mine it makes the best cornbread.
Lynette said…
Yum! Looks like I'm going to have to go out and buy a cast iron skillet! You are amazing.
Anonymous said…
What a fabulous idea for pizza, love it! Looks really good, but will note use 2 skillets.
Sherri Murphy said…
I'm at work and salivating....
Anonymous said…
What a great and EASY way to make pizza. I'm definately going to try this one!
Zesty Cook said…
This pizza looks so amazing!! I love it
Live.Love.Eat said…
This looks to die for too. Then I will have some banana pudding for dessert!
Leslie said…
Isnt it funny that even in a place like the Bass Pro shop we seem to find the cooking section!!!lol
To answer your question about the glaze on my apple cookies. Yes it is really easy to use. You just have to get used to the 2 consistancies, you need it thin to do the "flooding glaze" and then thicken it up for the boarder piping. Just takes a tiny bit of practice
Sheryl B said…
Hello fellow mom!
I have been following your newsletter for some time now and you have the cosiest site and the best recipies that are easy to make and great to eat! I love the idea of skillet pizza and will diffently try it:)
Kanga said…
Ok ... you say "if you take care of your cast iron skillet they are fine." Is there special care for one of these? LOL I bought one awhile back and I've only used it a couple of times ... is there something special I should be doing to take care of it?

Pizza looks Delicious! I will definitely be trying this one!
Mia said…
this looks so yummy- do you think you can use butter in place of the shortening?
Anonymous said…
could you use store bought pizza dough? Lou
Sharon said…
I'll have to try this and it sounds so good!
Anonymous said…
I googled "recipes for an iron skillet" and clicked on your blog link. This is definitely an easy recipe to try in my cast iron skillet. It never occurred to me that I could make a pizza in a cast iron but after seeing your step by step pics, I'm going to take the plunge and try it. Thanks <3
Anonymous said…
Awesome. I recommend putting garlic salt on the exposed outer-crust for more flavor.
Anonymous said…
Excellent pizza..I'm making extra dough to keep in the freezer..this makes for a quick and easy meal..and tastes great !