Baby Teething Cookies {Make Your Own}

OK, this recipe is far from my usual recipe, but it really is a good one to pass on. I know there are a lot of mommy's out there with babies that read my blog, so I thought this baby cookie would be a neat addition.

I found this recipe about 10 years ago when my daughter was a baby. I was trying to figure out what to do with all that baby cereal I had left over from when Mackenzie was not so interested in eating her cereal anymore. I had boxes and boxes of Gerber baby cereal coming out of my ears.

Some how I found this recipe for Homemade Baby Teething Cookies online. I don't even know what I was searching for, but I came across it and thought it would be a fun recipe to try. I baked them up and Mackenzie loved them. I thought to myself WOW those were so easy to make.

These cookies quickly became a favorite in our house anytime we had babies around. I haven't made these baby cookies in about 5 years, since my youngest son now attends kindergarten. Well, I began sitting for one of the teachers babies so we have a baby in the house again Ü.

I thought Gracie might like these teething cookies as much as my kids did so i made up a batch today. The verdict.........

Here is Taste Tester Gracie does she like them?

by the look on her face and the talking she is doing not to mention the cookie crumbs on her mouth. I think she likes them yeah!!!!

This recipe is the perfect recipe to use up all of that baby cereal just stacking up in the cabinet. I know you have some, Gracie say's go make some cookies!!!

These are the ingredients you will need:baby cereal (any brand or flavor), sugar, egg, baking powder, salt (not pictured, sorry), vanilla extract, shortening and water. A little flour for rolling.

Preheat oven to 300 degrees
cream together shortening and sugar.

Add eggs, baking powder, salt, vanilla and water.

gradually add in the baby cereal a cup at a time

mixing between each addition

it will look just like this.

dust the counter with flour, Knead until smooth.

using a rolling pin roll out the dough to about 1/4 - 1/2 inch thickness

cut with a cookie cutter, a round cutter works best so you will not have any sharp edges.

place on a lightly greased baking sheet, bake for about 20 min. or until dry.

I let the cookies sit on a cooling rack for a couple hours then store in a airtight container. I usually do not wait overnight to serve these.

this is the thickness of the cookies when baked. The cookies are not rock hard just kind of firm and do not crumle up when baby eats them.

Baby Teething Biscuits/Cookies

2 - tablespoon shortening
1/4 - cup sugar
1 - egg
1 - teaspoon baking powder
1/4 - teaspoon salt
1 - teaspoon vanilla extract
1 - teaspoon water or juice (I used water)
2 - cups dry baby cereal

Heat oven to 300 degrees. Cream shortening and sugar. 

Add eggs, baking powder, salt, vanilla and water. Gradually stir in baby cereal.

Knead until smooth. Pat into a rectangle.

Cut into 1 inch bars. Smooth edges so they will not be sharp. Or roll dough in a little flour and cut with cookie cutters. (circle and basic shapes are best)

Bake for about 20 min. or until dry. Store in uncovered container overnight.

* Statistics state not to give babies eggs until one year of age, use your own personal judgement. My kids were all one year of age or older and so is the little girl I am watching *




Krystal said…
What a great way to use up that baby cereal! I can't wait to try these
Meg said…
Great recipe! Gracie is a cutie.
Heidi said…
What a great recipe. I wish I had it 2 years ago! My babies always loved the arrow root cookies and biter biscuits. They would have loved these.
Ali said…
AWESOME idea! :)
shweetpotato said…
omgosh where did you get the sooo cute pink measuring cups? LOVE em, Carm
Tina Butler said…
Hi Carm, they are kitcheaid measuring cups. My husband bought them for me he got them at Lowes, but i have seen them in Walmart as well. I have matching measuing spoons.
You're so smart! What a great idea.
#1SAHM said…
I'll have to try to make these for my best-friend's daughter...she'll be teething pretty soon!
Jess said…
You posted this at the perfect time! I have gobs of cereal left that Hayleigh didn't eat and I was wondering what to do with it!
I'm off to make cookies today!!
Tina Butler said…
Jess, let me know how Hayleigh likes them. I let Gracie take her cookies home. I tasted one and they are pretty good.
**~~Nikki**~~ said…
What a great idea! I am going to try to for my 1 year old son. I am sure Derek will love them.
Also love the Pink cup.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Tina! I have a friend whose baby is teething. This will be perfect for her!! -Shirley
Heidi said…
Yes- I have tried the Duggar's Tator Tot Casserole. My girls will not eat tator tots (they're crazy because tator tots are my favorite) so they wouldn't eat it. Me and Brad liked it though. It's really simple and basic. Just make sure you let your tator tots get crispy or it will taste like soggy, not done tator tots!
Anonymous said…
Great idea, I was just thinking what am I going to do with the leftover baby cereal. I am sure my boys will enjoy these.
Tina Butler said…
Thanks Heidi, I am thinking about adding some shredded cheese on top of the tater tots after they get nice and crispy. We are a cheese loving family.
Lynette said…
That is a really good idea. If I ever have anymore kids I might just have to give them a try! It looks like Gracie really enjoys them. She is cute baby.
Melissa said…
What a great idea! You have a cute little taste tester there!
Anonymous said…
So happy I stumbled across this website! It is bookmarked!! I have TONS of baby cereal left that my daughter won't eat; can't wait to make these tonight when the kids go to bed. who knows maybe her older brother (2 yo) will like them too! Thanks!!!!!
Jessica said…
This is a great Idea! I was getting ready to throw out all my leftover baby cereal and now I don't have to! And I was looking a the date posted and wouldn't you know that is the day I found out I was pregnant. That was a great day! Thank you bunches!
Anonymous said…
I know it's an older post but as for the eggs, they say not to use egg whites for babies under one but I have done several things instead, like using 2 egg yolks for every egg called for in the recipe, egg substitute, or 1Tbsp Milled Flax and 3Tbsp water for each egg.
Tina Butler said…
If you read through the entire post you will see the note I have at the end about eggs.

My children and the one I watched all were above the age of one years old, so using and egg in the recipe was fine.

It isn't just egg whites, but the whole egg itself. So egg yolks fall under the same category.
Anonymous said…
Does cooking the cereal destroy any of the vitamins in it...I love the recipe, I can't get the baby to teeth on regular teethers.
Anonymous said…
Love this recipe!! Im so glad I found it cause my little man doesnt like the store bought and I make his baby food homemade so why not these. He loves these and so does my 14 year old daughter :)
Nell L. said…
they smell lovely actually :) mine are still in the oven im excited to see how my lil dude likes them :) ty for a great recipe! i may have to make some for my friends teething LO as well for christmas!
Sheila said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
My son loves them, interestingly enough my mother can't eat gluten and as long as I use the rice cereal she is able to eat these. Thanks for the great recipe from baby Liam and his GG.
Unknown said…
Can you use butter instead of shortening?
Unknown said…
I made these today and they came out great. I used coconut oil instead of shortening. I used raw sugar and less of it. I had to let it bake a lot longer because I used a baking stone....maybe 35 min. My 1 yr old loved it. I'm going to try it with ground up Os when the baby cereal runs out. I was looking for a recipe for cookies made with cereal more for increasing his iron intake than for teething, but these are a double win. I just hope the baking process doesn't kill the iron and other vitamins and minerals in the cereal.
Anonymous said…
These are WONDERFUL....i used a baby bottle cap and they were the perfect size to make peanut butter sandwich cookies...both my son and I love them and with the peanut butter it adds protein too...
Unknown said…
Is there any way to add some stage 2 baby foods? I have alot of jars, my son doesnt like pureed foods much he prefers blw
Anonymous said…
I replaced the water and the sugar with some blended and some whole strawberries (frozen) and they turned out awesome! I had to add some extra oatmeal, perhaps 1/4 of a cup? i just dumped some. They were a little moist. I added enough until they turned a little pink. my 9 month loves them. I also decreased the baking time to make them a bit softer (15 minute bake time). I did the same with a jar of sweet potatoes.
Anonymous said…
Can you freeze the cookies. If so, how long? Thanks!!
Anonymous said…
I would really like to know how you got your "dough" to roll out so nicely. I mixed, mashed, and everything else and it still didnt look that nice. I managed and cut out my cookies with one of the bottle toppers. Makes nice small cookies. Anyways, please share your rolling out secret!!!
Tina Butler said…
I just used a regular rolling pin.
Anonymous said…
So simple and easy to make!! Mine turned out perfect :) thank you ♡