How to Make Tom the Turkey:
To make Tom's tail feathers, set apple or pear on its side and then stick a few toothpicks into one end, as shown. Stack cereal rings on each toothpick until it's nearly full and then place a mini marshmallow on each end. Break a toothpick in half (Mom, you can snip with scissors for little ones.) and insert into apple or pear where you'd like the head to be. Press a large marshmallow onto this toothpick and press cloves in for Tom's eyes. Using another half toothpick, secure a piece of candy corn to the front of the marshmallow for Tom's beak. Insert 3 toothpicks into the bottom of the apple so Tom can stand up. Stick 2 more pieces of candy corn on the front 2 to make Tom's feet.
Thank you Joann and Vickie for a cute Thanksgiving Craft.
Thank you Joann and Vickie for a cute Thanksgiving Craft.
Tina, The Mom in Mommy's Kitchen
I hope you will link this post to my Thanksgiving Traditions link up!